+44 1208 869090 Guest Login

Owner information

Please fill out the form below so we can find out more about you and your property. Be sure to read it through before starting so that you have all the information you need to hand.

Contact Information

Primary contact

Confirmation of guest and owner bookings will be sent to this address.

Secondary Contact

Emergency contact

Who should we contact in an emergency in addition to the home owner if we are unable to reach the home owner?

Property Information

Please confirm bed sizes for all rooms (i.e. king, super-king) and whether any of the beds are zip and link.
Details of the property’s entertainment technology (i.e. DVD player, smart TV, entertainment packages, Sonos) and any associated passwords.
How many dogs are welcome at the property?
We can organise everything from plumbers to gardeners and electricians to window cleaners, but if you have preferred suppliers please provide their contact details below.

Property promotions

Offering a discount on last-minute availability can help to fill these weeks. This can take the form of running a special offer or negotiating with clients at the point of booking.

Please select one of the following options:


It is a requirement to have a key safe at the property.

Do you already have a key safe?
Would you like Latitude50 to install one?

Health and safety

The following are legal requirements.

Have the electrical appliances at the property been PAT (portable appliance testing) tested in the last year?

Please send the certificate to [email protected].

Would you like us to organise PAT?
Has a fire risk assessment been carried out at the property in the last year?

Please send the risk assessment to [email protected].

Would you like us to organise a fire risk assessment?
Has an Electrical Installation Conditions Report (EICR) been carried out in the last five years?

Please send the certificate to [email protected].

Would you like us to organise an Electrical Installation Conditions Report (EICR)?
Do you have public liability insurance?

Please send the certificate to [email protected].


Are you a UK residence for tax purposes?
Are you VAT registered?


To find out more, read our privacy policy.
