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Living room at Carn Mar in Polzeath

What is a Latitude50 property?

What is a Latitude50 property?

Latitude50 represents the finest self-catering homes in and around Rock, Daymer Bay, Polzeath and Port Isaac.

Visitors recognise the Latitude50 brand and come to us because we're known to have the kind of properties they are looking for.

These could be holiday homes in breathtaking locations within easy walking distance of the beach; houses with sea views and parking; or those with a good level of comfort or a very high specification.

Some notable exceptions are those outstanding properties in near-coastal locations that have something really special to offer our clients. This might be a combination of magnificent gardens, unique talking points, tennis courts, an outdoor heated pool, or a hot tub.

A Latitude50 property can be described simply:

  • Our properties are coastal and located in or within easy reach of Rock, Daymer Bay, Polzeath and Port Isaac.
  • Our properties are high quality and offer our clients something special.

If you are thinking about letting your holiday home, get in touch. We would love to hear all about it and talk through your options for letting.

We’re particularly interested in the following types of property. If any of these sound like your home, we’d love to hear from you.

One-bedroom properties

One-bedroom properties are like gold dust in the local area and we have clients lining up for them all year round. From cosy character cottages to modern apartments, couples love to enjoy a romantic break beside the sea. Please get in touch if you have a property perfect for two.

Bedroom at Seabreeze in Polzeath

Unique properties

We’re always looking for something unique, and our clients are too. Perhaps it's the oldest cottage in the village or a shepherd's hut with a view. Or maybe it's a surf shack or an eco-home. If you own an 'out of the box' property or have plans to create one, we’d love to hear from you.

Dry Creek House in Polzeath

Luxurious properties

We’re actively seeking modern homes with luxurious touches. If your home is a brand new build with extra-special interiors or a newly renovated property with fabulous outdoor spaces, then do get in touch. Desirable facilities include plunge pools, hot tubs, cinema rooms and tennis courts.

Kitchen at Carn Mar in Polzeath

Poolside properties

Our clients can't get enough of our poolside properties and we’d love to offer something new. All our swimming pools open from May half term (Whitsun) to September, ensuring that pool maintenance is easily covered in the peak season tariffs. If you have or know of a poolside property in the area that would enhance the Latitude50 portfolio, please get in touch.

Swimming pool at Half Way Tree in Rock

Frontline properties

Frontline properties with views of the estuary or ocean are in demand with our clients. These types of properties command the top line tariffs and can achieve bookings all year round. We would be delighted to discuss rental projections if you have a frontline property in the area.

Get in touch
View from the balcony at Orchard House in Rock

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